Saturday, February 26, 2011

Where I've been

February is nearing its end and I thought I would take this time to tell you all what has been happening in my life so far, the bubbles that I have blown....or popped lately!

Last semester in school I had an old friend as my roommate and we got along beautifully. We spent many a night watching Gilmore Girls, which we sadly finished (7 seasons!) last night. Now that it is over I don't know what we are gunna do..... :P

I went home for Christmas....and spent over half of it de-stressing from school and the rest stressing about where I was headed in life and school.

Yet this semester I thought that I would move out so I am now going to school still but living in a 2 bedroom apartment where I have a bedroom and bathroom to myself and am sharing the place with 2 other great girls.

I was super surprised to find out that I passed my Philosophy course last semester, granted it was a D+ but it was a pass. If you know me I am not a philosopher. I will talk about a philosophical topic for 5 minutes before I become bored...much to the chagrin one of my friends (M.P. :P).

I failed my first University course, History. I tried to like history and I did LOVE the stuff about ancient Greece but the other stuff, there was so much to memorize! But I won't make excuses, I could have studied more, although in University you can always study more!

As of the 3rd of this month I am now 20. I am no longer a teenager and I feel like I should grow up or something.....naaaah!

As of the 4th of this same month I have been dating my boyfriend for one year! And it has been an awesome year, and I am not just saying that! Although we both often lack the funds to go on many dates he always does something sweet like making me breakfast before an exam or because its a special day. Or watching a chick flick with me even though he wants to. Although I will say that time we watched Twilight it was not totally my fault and he insisted on finishing it even after I told him we could stop 5 minutes into it!

I got a new job. Although I have yet to start there since it hasn't opened yet. I will be a prep-cook at a health cafe/restaurant which is 5minutes from my house! And I start at $11 which is nice considering I am definitely fitting into the 'poor college student' section....although thankfully not to the point where kraft dinner or noodle bowls are my main menu options!

Lets see what else did I do? Not much!

So what have you been up to?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The day after V-day

Well yesterday was Valentines, Singles awareness day (S.A.D.), the day that is loved or dreaded by many and do you know what I find annoying? The people who gripe about how they hate Valentines day.

Okay, so maybe I don't have much to complain about considering my boyfriend wrote 100 facebook status each containing a different reason why he loved me. Although I will say that I was sick for the entire day...and by sick I mean laying in bed and wanting to whimper type sick not 'sick' as in I want to take the day of to hang with my boyfriend who just so happened to have had to work for most the day.

But honestly. If people hate the day so much why don't they just forget about it? Its like someone who hates carrots but continues to eat them, just stop eating the stupid carrots.

Maybe I just don't fully understand how these people feel....maybe I am still fairly uncallused to the ways of the world but up until a year ago my Valentines days were celebrated 'alone' and what did I do? I spent it with my family or took advantage of the season to by discount candy and chocolates or just treated it like any other day of the year.

As for couples, do we really need a day to celebrate love? Shouldn't we be loving each other everyday and not just one day of the year? True, I love the rose that my boy gave to me, but isn't it so much nicer to get a give on a random day for no reason at all instead of expecting something on that one day and then being disappointed if nothing comes?

And does anyone even remember what Valentines day stands for anymore? I doubt anyone really remembers the Saint after whom the day is named after or what he did to get a day named after him.

In other news. Did you know you can pay around $110 for a dozen roses on valentines day when I know you can pay around $20 on a regular day at the grocery store? Did you know that it was Henry VIII that proclaimed Valentines day in England....he was the guy who killed and divorced his wives. Did you know that in Medieval times it was thought that if you were singled, the first (unmarried) person that you saw on Valentines day was to be your future spouse? Did you know around 3% of pet owners prefer to give Valentine gifts to their pets? Did you know that as far as we know 15% of women send themselves flowers on Valentines day?

Anywho what did you do yesterday? I laid in bed and ate pickles.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Where Was I.....

Now my last blog post about what was happening in my life happened during midterms of last semester and in about 3 weeks I will be starting up midterms once again. Both a lot and little has changed since that point, if that makes any sense. And so this post will be about school.

So I did fairly moderate on all my midterms and continued to finish last semester with a "A", "B", "C+", "D+", "F" and a "W", which pretty much covered all the letter grades if you do not take into account + and -. A was for Choir which the only way to get a bad grade is not to show up. Surprisingly I passed my dreaded philosophy course with a D+ something I did not expect to pass. Now I was trying my hardest but I am anything but a philosopher as I am sure a few of my friends will agree, so passing this course was a huge surprise. The one course that I did fail, and can I say that it is the first University Course I have failed, was History to the 1500's. Parts of this class I found riveting while others almost had me falling asleep in my chair. Due to the large amounts of writing and unfortunately the hated having to memorize things I didn't fair to well on the final. Of course getting my second lit review all messed up may have attributed to it (Although I did a good job on it....). As for the W I chose to withdraw from the course to make it (a) easier on the rest of my work and (c) it was the final day to drop the course and I was NOT understanding anything (and I didn't miss a single class!).

So what do I have planned for this semester? A couple English classes, as well as a couple Choirs and a Discipleship and Mentoring course. While I love my school and the people in it I am not 100% happy with my program and the courses that they have to offer and so I have decided to take my ECE (early childhood education) certificate starting next year. I love little kids and since it will be a long time before I have any of my own why not take care of others? Unfortunately the College I was going to take the course at no longer offers the course so I either have to take it at a different campus somewhere else (Vancouver perhaps?) or take the 4 year course out here. So which will it be? I must say I'm tempted to take distant one because I can get the same piece of paper for half the amount of time it will take doing the course out here.

So how is school going for you?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Dear Diary....

Now I only have 10 official followers and since I haven't been keeping up to date on this here blog I don't even know how many of them actually read this regularly. But the more I think about it at the rate I'm going at this blog almost seems like a journal or diary.

Remember when you were a kid, mostly likely the girls will associate with this one better then the others, and you had a diary? I remember my first diary. I got it from my aunt (along with this gorgeous strawberry bubble bath) and it was hot pink and fuzzy. I only wrote in it an average once a year and I think I may still have the pages around here my roommate from last year can tell you, I like to hoard things.

As I got older I started a prayer journal that I kept up steady for at least a year. At first it was just me writing down the Lord's Prayer and the 'Now I lay me down to sleep' poem, but as weeks progressed I started to add my own personal thoughts. Eventually it was a journal that I used to talk about the good times and the bad times, but mostly the bad times. Things that were frustrating or stressing me out, who I was hopelessly in love with (and by that I mean that it was hopeless), who made me angry, cry or laugh. After I filled up a book I would through it out. It was my way of committing everything that I wrote to God. Sure it may have been cool to look back on it someday and reread everything but if I recall correctly it mostly consisted of me when I was upset. Over time I have learned to bring both the good and the bad the God and perhaps journaling would be a good thing to start up again.

Well now you know a bit more about the inner me, something that not many people know but also something I hope to slowly change.

Hopefully I can catch you up to where I am in my life currently and keep you interested at the same time. So did you every have a diary or journal? What did you use it for?

Thursday, October 28, 2010


So it is 2:26am as I sit here writing this blog post for you all. Just another way of me procrastinating. So far I have completed two exams last week, one which I am very disappointed in and the other was okay. Then today, or technically yesterday I completed two more exams, one at 4:00pm and one at 6:30pm. And guess what! I have another exam at 9:45am! So what am I still doing up? I am studying...or pretending to at least.

After my last exam of the day I took a break and chilled, meaning eating a toasted bagel with cream cheese and strawberry jam and cuddling with my boyfriend. And then I pretended to study while surfing the net until floor meeting. After floor meeting there was 15 more minutes of cuddle time before curfew where I did some more internet stuff, saved all the documents I wanted to read for my history exam tomorrow. I then set about trying on my Halloween costume, after roping my roommate into doing the same, I finished up an energy drink as I tidied up a bit and then once again attempting to study I showed my wonderful roommate, Kathryn a bunch of videos from my first year at University. And so I have wound up here.....but am I supposed to study?! I have already studied so much my head may explode....actually I think it may already have and now it is like a deflated balloon.....I can't fill it again. Yay for History that requires a lot of memorization. Oh well, I'm not tired so I will still get a good amount of studying in (too bad I'm a bit sick....thanks roommate...I had given it to you for a reason!). Actually I doubt I will sleep tonight, I may have to drink some Orange Pekoe tea (my favorite) or maybe another energy drink (my second full one in my life! within 5hours!) but at least my head will contain some knowledge that will be gone by 11am tomorrow!

So how are your exams going? How do you study?

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Stable Unstability

Due to the lack of internet connection and time I have not been able to keep up-to-date on my lovely blog here even though I have had many that I would have loved to write. But finally I am in the midst of unpacking my room in residence, preparing for my second year of University and finally adding some stability to my life.

Over this summer I have done a fair amount of traveling, spent multiple nights in several different places, even settle down in several places for a while...only to have to get up, move and have to settle down again. And over the course of this summer I have finally discovered that I actually NEED some source of stability in order to survive.

I made many good memories and had a lot of fun throughout the summer but for some I lay on my bed writing this post....all I can really think about was how stressful and tiring this summer was.

Now time to start school...and for some reason I feel that it might be more relaxing then the summer even though I am taking 5 courses, 1 lab and choir each semester.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

When I Was a Kid...

Pluto was actually a planet

Oreo's only had one flavour (what's with the vanilla?)

All meals were bought and made by mom

Popcorn came only two ways, salted or plain, no fancy flavourings

My hardest decision was which friend was going to come over for a sleepover

$20 as a birthday or Christmas present made me the richest person in the world

We played cassette tapes and had tape recorders, none of these cds, mp3 players or ipods

There was no such thing as blue-ray or dvd’s, just video tapes

We played hopscotch, hula-hoop, jump-rope and actually played baseball instead of using a Wii, playstation, gamecube etc.

We used film in our cameras instead of chance was all you got and then you’d have to hope you got a good shot

No one worried weather Ernie and Bert were gay...they were brothers or close friends on a permanent sleepover

When I was a kid the world was simple and innocent, much like my can you remember some of what life was like when you were a kid? How has it changed?